miércoles, 29 de julio de 2020

My favourite subject in my career

Hello everyone, today I will talk about mi favourite subject in my career during my academic time , which is dentistry skills.
I like all the subjects a lot, but this is my favourite one because, for the moment, it is the most similar to dentistry work .
In this subject we learn about oral diseases, teeth problems, the different types of specialities in this career, the correct form to wash and take care of the oral cavity and much more.
In addition to the theoretical classes, we practice in the lab with dentistry tools such as the micro motor, a little mirror and different basic instruments.
For example, in one class we had to make a tooth carving it from a bar of soap. This activity helps us to learn about the anatomy of the tooth.
This subject is very important because it teaches us the basic knowledge and essential skills to be a good dentist.
Without these basic skills we would be lost when working with a patient, since we could not give a good diagnosis and do a professional treatment.
Well, as one of the most important subjects, it is also one of the most fun

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domingo, 26 de julio de 2020

Free Topic

Hello everyone, well today I want to talk about a topic that I personally like a lot, tattoos and body modifications.

Since childhood I have always wanted to have tattoos, this type of body expression is one of the oldest that exist. In some cultures is a sign of prestige, power or good socioeconomic level.But nowadays, the fact of having tattoos is not very popular for some people, this can be appreciated  when trying to get work, especially in the health area.

I personally believe that a person with tattoos has exactly the same chances as a person without them to become a great health profesional. We should not judge the appearance of people, rather their work performance, which in the end is the most important.It´s true there is a taboo about that tattooed people can not attend people because that is unhygienic, but the truth is that a cared and healed tattoo is  same as the skin, only that has ink underneath.

Imagine that a person has been working in the health area for years and decides to get a tattoo, will it make him less professional? I don’t think so...

I hope that when I graduate and have to work with patients, this taboo is gone and that society sees tattoos as a way of expression and art, not as something unhygienic and as something that closes you opportunities in life.