lunes, 22 de abril de 2019

My Favourite Piece of Technology

Well, it actually makes it a little difficult for me to choose a favorite technological object out of all, because I feel like I still depend on them a lot. But if I would choose only one objects for the rest of my life, I choose the cell phone.

For me, my cell phone is very important to my day. I used it to talk with my friends and with my family, to search information for a class, to ending home works, to play and much more.

I like it the cell phone because is a compact computer where do you can realice everything in any time and everywhere.

My cell Phone it's the Galaxy J7 Pro, it's a very good cell phone when we talk about memorie, camera, durability and connectivity. This cell phone I have it 3 years ago, and still works like it’s new.

Normally I use everyday my cell phone and and I check it all the time. But if one day I didn’t take it with me, it would be perfectly fine. In fact, since I belong to the scouts I have camps that last at least 3 weeks where I don’t carry my cell phone and I’m fine without it.

Resultado de imagen para galaxy j7 pro


        This is a picture
        to my cell phone.